Tuesday 13 April 2010

Routine Check

The best weather comes on the days when you need to stay inside, with a book in one hand and making notes with the other. Over the past week and a bit, I have been failing to intentively study at large ammounts. At the most, I've been doing 2 to 3 hours a day, when really I need to be maintaining something like 5. Yes, that seems pretty damn alot, but I'm a studen that NEEDS at least four B's at Higher. No joke, this is the time of my life where I have to put down the gameboy, put down that magizine, put down my mobile and log off facebook, to create a career for myself. End of.
I'm probably the worst person to be keeping focused, in fact, my "special needs" say my short-term memory ( Yes, I suffer from short-term memory loss...) means I get easily destracted. I need to be amused, people, I need to be gripped by what is being told to me.
I.e. When serving a customer at work, I accidently ask them if they would like a bag twice, because I usually forget I asked them already once before.
So, thats my dilema. Now, back to studying, I really need to focus on what I'm doing...

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