Sunday, 31 January 2010

I've got some money from work. And I've planned what I want :)

Its £19.99 from  Chanel style seems to be creeping back in on the highstreet retailers. It was around in 2008 when Geek Chic had arrived

£25.00 from  A simple black booted heel can dress up any outfit.

£8.00 from   Adds a girly touch to an outfight, the pearl being classy and the diamond expensive.

Nice : ]
We made cakes in my passport to the world class to raise money for Haiti. We raised almost £400 pounds : ]

I have to mention Jill Mckenna's baking. She is legendary, I look forward to bakesales and hope she made her scones or flapjacks. Its amazing. Jill should going into baking on request, cause I sure hell would pay for that!

I stayed at Angus's house for the first time. I brought my fancy camera and I slept in his bed...Without HIM! Just to clarify he slept somewhere else cause were obviously to young. I wouldn't have wanted to share one with him anywho :P boys are smelly.

Our posing never ends. He's just too good looking and I just love the camera. lol, less eyebrows and more lip this time
Angus and his crazy face. Its more like What you talking bout willis?

Friday, 22 January 2010

new memory card arrived

I tend to take lots of photos of flowers. I guess its a perfsonally preference thang. I like drawing them too, I have alot of pictures of flowers, maybe cause they are pretty and the best models for not moving. I think should speak more detailed on this blog. My short random crap just doesnt cut it.

Maybe its generic? Is that the right word...? My mother loves flowers, the house is always filled with them. If your ever gonna get me a present, please let them be flowers.

This is a photo of my papa, when he was in the army. I personally think he looks like Clark Gabel.

If it was between me or my dog taz, my mother would choose taz. She has loved nothing more than this dog and constantly goes on "whos a good looking boy, your a good looking boy, yes oh yes you are!" ...and the baby talk continues there...

I feel it makes me look really pale, when I'm not? I'll take the flash off more...

Thursday, 21 January 2010

new camera equates new happiness.

my new camera has panorama. Its a fujifilm S1500, and I know its not one with a removable lens, but it's a beginners camera for me. I really love taking photos and I'm only young so hey, cant get too fancy too early.

the macro on its amazing, im in love with it already!

and I couldn't resist taking a photo of myself....


Saturday, 16 January 2010

this is just a collection of photos over the past days

I found my favourite shoes I thought I lost. So happy

my friend floraidh wearing my chicken earmuffs

i found my hair extensions! i thought i threw them out, but then i found the bag, gave them a wash and good condintion.

this is my milk handwarmer i got from my secret santa. it said on the present, "because you can't have the real thing" lovely

it was heathers 17th birthday. the power went off but she had a large supply of candles

at work i tend to get creative

me and angus tend to make silly faces

but we do take the occaisonal good one

i found a baby photo of me that i think is really cute

and my sister is only 4 and half months pregnant! and its definately not twins

Monday, 11 January 2010

Not alot to do : ]

when your given a coffee machine for christmas, hell is let lose.

dads are funny when they fall asleep. he looks like he's thinking.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

its so cold outside

boys dont understand a girls taste in fashion.
apparantly i'm considered, "different"