Friday 22 January 2010

new memory card arrived

I tend to take lots of photos of flowers. I guess its a perfsonally preference thang. I like drawing them too, I have alot of pictures of flowers, maybe cause they are pretty and the best models for not moving. I think should speak more detailed on this blog. My short random crap just doesnt cut it.

Maybe its generic? Is that the right word...? My mother loves flowers, the house is always filled with them. If your ever gonna get me a present, please let them be flowers.

This is a photo of my papa, when he was in the army. I personally think he looks like Clark Gabel.

If it was between me or my dog taz, my mother would choose taz. She has loved nothing more than this dog and constantly goes on "whos a good looking boy, your a good looking boy, yes oh yes you are!" ...and the baby talk continues there...

I feel it makes me look really pale, when I'm not? I'll take the flash off more...

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