Friday 26 February 2010

I don't know how to go about this. What do you do if you know someone who takes what she knows someone else is pursuing? Now, to make this clear, this is not about me. There is this girl, who I've grown to learn, has a habit - or even an addiction - to taking what she knows someone else wants. To clarify this point, the girl is not me, nor was I wanting anything. I just happen to be the horrible connection between the two, well not really a connection but more or less a witness. This girl seemed to show no interest whatso ever, until she learned that an/other girl(s) wanted it. Then, in her burning eyes, she wanted it. More than anything, it became her new challange, her next conquest. But by her looks and glances, she could tell that maybe I possessed that, maybe I owned it. No I did not, her eyes just let her see the wrong idea. She believed there was more to it, when really there was something quite simple about it. This girl became secretive, sharing her new stories and whispers all around, lying about whom and how many she had gloated to, one the object was in her possession. She felt it was neccessary to tell me, gloat to me, when really, to be frank, I didn't give a rats ass. For some reason, it was never my concern. For she was second, and I was first. First is a sweet word. I rarely use it. However, here I am, not feeling anything for the situation, not caring what she does or how she does it. Because, deep, deep down, I know a secret. A secret only I know. This secret does involve someone else, but they dont know the value their words held. What they said will forever be in my mind, putting at rest what burned in side me...

I had bought the dress before her.

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